Untitled ( a walls makeover)
Untitled ( a walls makeover)

Untitled ( a walls makeover) is a study of concealing all the holes and imperfections in my old studio done by people who inhabited the space before me.

2019, my studio walls and makeup concealer

Makeover 1 .jpeg
Untitled (study 1)
Untitled (study 1)

A study of wrinkles and line

Untitled (study 2)
Untitled (study 2)

A study of wrinkles and line

Untiled (study 3)
Untiled (study 3)

A study of wrinkles and line

Untitled ( a walls makeover)
Makeover 1 .jpeg
Untitled (study 1)
Untitled (study 2)
Untiled (study 3)
Untitled ( a walls makeover)

Untitled ( a walls makeover) is a study of concealing all the holes and imperfections in my old studio done by people who inhabited the space before me.

2019, my studio walls and makeup concealer

Untitled (study 1)

A study of wrinkles and line

Untitled (study 2)

A study of wrinkles and line

Untiled (study 3)

A study of wrinkles and line

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